Monday, October 6, 2008

The first working day (Sunday) in Hanoi

The next day after arriving in Hanoi is Sunday (5/10/2008). I call it a working day as this could be my busiest day in Hanoi for I met up with a total of 8 friends today. The main reason, of course is due to the non-working Sunday and thus many friends are free today.

This is a fruitfull day. I had manage to explain quite a number of marketing plan and strategy to a number of friends. I had also managed to brief and clear some doubts in some friends' mind and make them more confident in our business.

Initially I planned to have a walk nearby the Ho Hoan Kiem after meeting all friends but this was cancelled due to late coming back to hotel.

I will workhard for the next 3 to 5 years and aiming forward for a much more easy life after this hard working period. Hoping that all the friends that I currently work together in the business will grow together with me. Besides, I also hop that there will be more to joint us for the business.

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