Monday, June 29, 2009

I am making use of this FREE time again

A new group of tourist had just came to Malaysia through Second Link. Briefly explain to them for about 45 minutes on some essential information such as time difference, money use in Malaysia, SIM card for calling home and a little bit regarding the culture of Malaysian. Now letting them having their rest and start putting my thought on my business again.

Do you believe that ther is some business in the world that you can do it as you go?

What I means is when you are free, you carry out the business and when you are busy, you can stop for a while. Provided you do not stop for too long (a whole year), your business will not be affected. After stopping for 2 to 4 months, if you are free then, continue from where you were. You do not need to stop from scratch again. And there is a target that you have to achieve without time limit. Provided you achieve the target, then you can stop forever and yet the income will still continue.

Are all these sounds too good to be believed? But it is true. I can even provided every thing in black and white and guarantee that you will achieve what you want provided you believe.

Want more detail?

Contact me at

End of June 2009

Using the above-mentioned title on this message indicating an ending and a beginning. It is the end of a section in life. It is also a starting of the next section and I am on the way to take my new group again.

Prior to writing this message, I had just read some status update of a few of my friends in the facebook. One of my friends is updating information that she is in Port Dickson and very Boring, while the other is writing there that she want a new life.

To what I think, both are negative. If the earlier friend is feeling bore, why not she start to read books, listern to music or even read some good messaage on the internet to improve knowledge? And for the later, if she is looking for some change, instead of shoutng the comment, why not put some new though and get into implementation?

On the matter of negative thinking, it does not means that there are no good. It only indicated that they do not find what ther want in life yet. And it is an opportunity for me to introduce my business to them too.....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



Success is a matter of Attitude

The previous group was sent yesterday. Checked in hotel then for a rest and a new group is coming in to Malaysia for a 4-day visit.

Clearing out some accounting issue and updating all figures over previous tour guiding, preparing for the report to Assigner.

Working as a tourist guide, we can have 2 different atitude towards our job. One of the attitude is we consider ourselves as an employee and the tour agents as our employer. The second attitude is to consider ourselves as a freelance business owner who provide tour guiding services to the tour agents.

The former attitude will make us request for more and feel unhappy if the tour agents do not carry out some of their duty accordingly. On the later attitude, we will request less and prepare to provide more as the competitive tool. The tour agents are our customers and the is saying that customer is always right.

On the matter on how to justify the rights of the customer, then it is the relationship of supply and demands that play an important role. Currently, the demand on tourist guide services is getting lesser as lesser groups and groups are getting lesser in number of pax too. On the other hand, the government is allowing for more and more people to go for tourism study and obtaining the tourist guides license. As such, the quantity of tourist guides available is far exceeding the market demand. When the demand drops and the supply increased, the price drop and so it does in the tour guiding fee.

If we think tourist guides are employee to tour agents, then the job is only temporary and the temporary workers law has to be appliable. Nevertheless , if we consider tourist guides as individual business owner who provide the services to tour agents, then more free development would have to be given. On top of that, there must be some helping hand from the government as the project of tour guiding is too small, which it can be completed in a few days. This means that a lot of individual can simply interupt in giving the service illegally and causing an imbalance in the supply demand balance point.

As I fully believe, Success of a person depends on his/her Attitude toeards the job, Success of an industry depends on the firm standardisation of the government too. The Malaysia tourism industry is currently still in the "confusing stage", there are many things that the local operators have to do to improve the quality.

The government would have to clearify if tourist guides-tour agents relationship is employee-employer or service supplier-service requisitor. Only after this relationship is clearly identified, then we can start to look into the next step of standardisation without grey area.

Friday, June 19, 2009

How to be successful in this morden world

While writing this post, I am in the tourists bus waiting for tourists from Vietnam. This is a bit of free time here and I am making of use to write this post.

There may be someone making use of this time to play game on their hand phone. There may be some others who are playing the internet game if their mobile have unlimited data access coverage. Others yet may be sleeping like my driver and someone else going for the "meeting over lunch".

Everybody is having 24 hours in a day and 365 and a quarter day in a year. Some people may be saying there do not have time to do something while others saying that they are bored during sometimes in the day.

Over all this issues, what is the difference. Personally, I think it is the AIM and DEFINITE DECISION that make up the differences.

I had set up my aim to achieve my final success in business and be persistant in this business, thus the same idea is in my mind all the time, rd hours a day and 365 and a quaeter days a year. Hence I will try to make full use of my time in doing this.

If I have time to meet people, I will do it. If I do not have time to meet people of the same thaught now, at least I will still make use of my time to write this idea. Who knows may be a day someone will like my idea here and initiatively contact me after he/she read my post, right?

The post in this BLOG CAN BE IN any langguage that I know, and all readers can read the posts here and decide themselve for following my post by clicking the "follow" button. If they decide to, they can also write to me, asking to join as readers in my English ( or Chinese ( BlOGs which discuss our business in more detail.







Thursday, June 18, 2009










Be My friends

Google Uses Microsoft!Image by Ben Oswest via Flickr

This BLOG had been built quite sometimes ago. It was during the time that I started to try out what the Google BLOG can offer as I did find that there are a lot of Free services provided in the internet but all of them have their pros and cons.

After some periods of trying, I finally found that Google service in stable and fairly flexible if we know how to carry out with a little bit of trick, hence decided to place more of my effort here.

This BLOG is the Main MENU of all my BLOGs, may them be in Google or outside of Google. Over here I am going to write my day to day experience and some of them will be categorised by means of different BLOG and listed here. If you found any of my BLOGs interested, please click the Follow button to follow this BLOG and you will be frequently updated with the later updates.

I believe in long term friendship by proper understanding, If you do follow this BLOGs and think that we can be friends, please e-mail me at

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009














我的其他作品 My Other Blog List

  • 紫微斗数里的红鸾天喜 - 朋友们应该都明白“红鸾星动”的意思,对吧?在紫微斗数里有两颗星星和桃花正缘有关,他们就是红鸾星和天喜星,今天马哥就想和大家谈谈如何找红鸾和天喜。 [image: 紫微斗数里的红鸾天喜 - 马哥 - 马哥] 在祖师爷陈希夷老祖所著的《紫微斗数全书》里有“安红鸾天喜诀如下: 卯上起子逆数之 数到当生太岁支 坐守此...
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  • 一同低头 - 这是悉尼铁道车站的一幕,游客稀疏的车站,等待着车子的到来,看到了一男一女的两位乘客,从我这一角度看过去,两人都在低头。 男的,低着头,看着手中的文件,是在吸取知识,或是在办公吧! 女的,同样低着头,手中握着手机,或许也是在努力吸取知识, 但也有可能是在看电影,玩游戏或其他种种。选择多了,也就代表着现今的...
    10 years ago
  • 人生路 - 这一张相片是当天前往怡保拍摄壁画,行走间不小心按到手机的拍摄钮而留下的脚步。 行(摄于2014年7月12日) 看着铺满柏油的马路,相对平坦广阔,可是步行的方向却可以明显的知道并不是顺着路向,原因是那壁画的方向并不是处于路的尽头。 人生又何尝不是如此,美丽的事物并不会处于人生的尽头,在努力向前的同时,偶尔偏离...
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  • 远眺 The View - 和家人回邦咯岛,尝试到新码头Marina Island,是个私人码头,还被迫加入会员才可买票。 无路如何,既然到了这儿,算了啦。 进了里面,等待当而,看到景色还不错,就拍了些照片,这一张里的模特儿是我家老二马歆伟。 并没告诉他任何主题,结果上载时决定取名“远眺” Thi picture was taken ...
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  • The Scret of Long life - A doctor on his morning walk, noticed the old lady pictured below, sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said, "I couldn'...
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  • 做买卖的公鸡 - 兩隻母雞在樹下聊天,對面走來一隻腳步不穩,無精打采,垂頭喪氣的公雞,一隻母雞問:「怎麼啦?病啦?累成這樣?」 公雞說: 「做點小買賣累成的。」 另一隻母雞跟著問: 「做啥買賣勞累成這樣呢?」 公雞臉紅,低下頭說: 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 「賣雞精。」
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  • 法门弟子萧运生细谈天法威灵庙创庙史 - 天法威灵庙创庙至今二十六年,年届七十五岁的萧运生感触最深,对气派非凡的天法威灵庙那龙腾虎跃的气势以及救人无数的善行深感欣慰。 萧运生是在天法威灵庙创庙期间便落力为神庙做出无私贡献的热心法门弟子之一。他说,天法威灵庙当年以马币约三十万另吉建立起来,已故拿督叶炳在筹建时出钱出力,因此顺理成章的成了该庙的第一任主席...
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