Thursday, June 18, 2009

Be My friends

Google Uses Microsoft!Image by Ben Oswest via Flickr

This BLOG had been built quite sometimes ago. It was during the time that I started to try out what the Google BLOG can offer as I did find that there are a lot of Free services provided in the internet but all of them have their pros and cons.

After some periods of trying, I finally found that Google service in stable and fairly flexible if we know how to carry out with a little bit of trick, hence decided to place more of my effort here.

This BLOG is the Main MENU of all my BLOGs, may them be in Google or outside of Google. Over here I am going to write my day to day experience and some of them will be categorised by means of different BLOG and listed here. If you found any of my BLOGs interested, please click the Follow button to follow this BLOG and you will be frequently updated with the later updates.

I believe in long term friendship by proper understanding, If you do follow this BLOGs and think that we can be friends, please e-mail me at

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