Friday, June 19, 2009

How to be successful in this morden world

While writing this post, I am in the tourists bus waiting for tourists from Vietnam. This is a bit of free time here and I am making of use to write this post.

There may be someone making use of this time to play game on their hand phone. There may be some others who are playing the internet game if their mobile have unlimited data access coverage. Others yet may be sleeping like my driver and someone else going for the "meeting over lunch".

Everybody is having 24 hours in a day and 365 and a quarter day in a year. Some people may be saying there do not have time to do something while others saying that they are bored during sometimes in the day.

Over all this issues, what is the difference. Personally, I think it is the AIM and DEFINITE DECISION that make up the differences.

I had set up my aim to achieve my final success in business and be persistant in this business, thus the same idea is in my mind all the time, rd hours a day and 365 and a quaeter days a year. Hence I will try to make full use of my time in doing this.

If I have time to meet people, I will do it. If I do not have time to meet people of the same thaught now, at least I will still make use of my time to write this idea. Who knows may be a day someone will like my idea here and initiatively contact me after he/she read my post, right?

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