Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday 6th Oct 2008

As per expected, the people here are busy in carrying out their job on monday and thus feel difficult to visit Duong Bach Dang during day time. I only manage to meet Ha who is the freelance tourist guide and chat to him for sometimes.

Both Minh Tam and Linh promise to come today but due to their busy activity of the day and late finishing their job, they do not manage to turn up.

Nhung was initially planning to come by 11:30 but finally only manage to come around 18:30.

Of course some other friends had been called but yet to wait for their return call after they plan for their time or return to Hanoi.

Due to a free day time, I did call up a friends who is the perliment member in Hanoi and He came to fetch me to Visit his house. A very big and beautiful house, attached to his hospital and yet he mentioned that this is his day time house, the evening, he will return to other house... Wow!

As he is going to Cambodia with family from tommorrow onwards untll 10, he asked me to call him on 13 morning so that he will bring me around for a visit.

As a parliament and as rich as him, he may not need any business more. Nevertheless, I will try to present him a chance to gain more time. Hope that he will accept my idea and provide me with necessary documents.

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