Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Looking for Friends who want to enjoy life

This web blog is

As the name implies, it is a place where I keep on posting my present condition as I am on the go. Currently I am working as a tourist guide. Life is enjoyable but time is not in my own hand.

I have many years of working experience in various field. It was when I came to the middle age that I started to think about what I actually want in life. I am not looking for very much but at least it should be good enough for me to see life and enjoy life.

Recently, after deep consideration on the possibility of PROSUMER idea, I am now setting my path to a new way of work. Under this new working path, I am estimating to be able to enjoy life and spend more of my time traveling on my own decision within the next 5 to 8 years. This is actually well-proved but you have to apply the method strategically.

I am making a call to people who have the same aim in life to come together under our network toward success. If you are interested, please drop me a mail at . Let us be friend, communicate and let us understand each other. I am willing to share the idea provided you are having our same thaoght.

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