Friday, December 12, 2008

Malaysia immegression building full with Singaporean.

This morning arrive at the Malaysia second link immegression building around 08:30. Found that it is full of Singaporean here.

Majority of the coaches are tourism coach from Singapore with number plate registered in Singapore. The singapore company is calling for Malaysian Tourist Guide to be the sit in guide. The TG only sit in and do not need to say a word in the bus. These coaches are registered as tourism bus in Singapore and they are used like Express Busses.

I talked to a few tourist guides on these type of coaches (total up to more than 15 coaches today. They are not happy with this type of work as they cannot apply what they learned in the course. Nevertheless they have no choice but to accept it as there is no other type of groups for them to guide.

On this morning situation, I wonder how the Tourism Malaysia get their statistic that tourists entry quantity is increasing?

Secondly, how can the Singaporean coaches are used to be express buses in Malaysia?

Why the Malaysia government do not apply any charges to Singaporean vehicles when they enter Malaysia whereas Malaysia vehicles have to pay a fee to enter Singapore.

What is Malaysia government doing and which department is handling this matter?

As a Malaysian, I wonder is Malaysia government knowing on how to makw monwy to develop the country?

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