Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another fruitful day

From 8:30, friends started to call back and we started to meet.

The first man is Johnny who is a member of our business partner and it follows by Khan, Tam, Nhan, Tuan and etc.

Afternoon, further meet up with Nhung, Kim Anh, Chu Dat and few more others of the same group.

My Malaysian Partners finally flown here from HCMC and we went to dinner with Bay.

Monday 6th Oct 2008

As per expected, the people here are busy in carrying out their job on monday and thus feel difficult to visit Duong Bach Dang during day time. I only manage to meet Ha who is the freelance tourist guide and chat to him for sometimes.

Both Minh Tam and Linh promise to come today but due to their busy activity of the day and late finishing their job, they do not manage to turn up.

Nhung was initially planning to come by 11:30 but finally only manage to come around 18:30.

Of course some other friends had been called but yet to wait for their return call after they plan for their time or return to Hanoi.

Due to a free day time, I did call up a friends who is the perliment member in Hanoi and He came to fetch me to Visit his house. A very big and beautiful house, attached to his hospital and yet he mentioned that this is his day time house, the evening, he will return to other house... Wow!

As he is going to Cambodia with family from tommorrow onwards untll 10, he asked me to call him on 13 morning so that he will bring me around for a visit.

As a parliament and as rich as him, he may not need any business more. Nevertheless, I will try to present him a chance to gain more time. Hope that he will accept my idea and provide me with necessary documents.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Re-starting after a long pause

Previously I had use this handphone to blog my idea. Nevertheless due to some "technical problem", the whole blog was deleted. Re-started after that but did not progress well.

This morning, after waking up, it suddenly appear to my mind that I could have make this "on-the-go" blog as a mobile diary to record the progress of my-self. Hence this post, together with the last two posts are sent via e-mail publishing on my handphone.

For my friends who are interested to know my current activity, this is where you can refer to and it will be in English.

For those who are interested to follow my English post on marketing strategy and the How-to knowledge with some short story, please check out my Http://

For those who can understand Chinese, my main Chinese Blogger page is Http://

The first working day (Sunday) in Hanoi

The next day after arriving in Hanoi is Sunday (5/10/2008). I call it a working day as this could be my busiest day in Hanoi for I met up with a total of 8 friends today. The main reason, of course is due to the non-working Sunday and thus many friends are free today.

This is a fruitfull day. I had manage to explain quite a number of marketing plan and strategy to a number of friends. I had also managed to brief and clear some doubts in some friends' mind and make them more confident in our business.

Initially I planned to have a walk nearby the Ho Hoan Kiem after meeting all friends but this was cancelled due to late coming back to hotel.

I will workhard for the next 3 to 5 years and aiming forward for a much more easy life after this hard working period. Hoping that all the friends that I currently work together in the business will grow together with me. Besides, I also hop that there will be more to joint us for the business.


I am now in Hanoi. Flown here two days ago from KL LCCT and arriving here around 19:15 local time after approximately 3.5 hours flight.

The flight is the worst that I had ever fly with as the guests were very low in quality. Majority of them were foreign worker to Malaysia and they went home, may be after the contracted term or may be on holiday. The reason I mentioned that they are low quality as they are very poor in self-discipline. The usual announcements had been carried out in the flight for no mobile phone and no smoking, but there were still people who tried to go against the rule. Thus the announcement were repeated again and again.

The worst happen to a man who had been re-switching on his hand phone a few time during landing after being told to switch off. Finally the hand phone was taken away by the flight attendent and the man was handed over to the land staff together with the handphone after landing. What a nightmare.

我的其他作品 My Other Blog List

  • 紫微斗数里的红鸾天喜 - 朋友们应该都明白“红鸾星动”的意思,对吧?在紫微斗数里有两颗星星和桃花正缘有关,他们就是红鸾星和天喜星,今天马哥就想和大家谈谈如何找红鸾和天喜。 [image: 紫微斗数里的红鸾天喜 - 马哥 - 马哥] 在祖师爷陈希夷老祖所著的《紫微斗数全书》里有“安红鸾天喜诀如下: 卯上起子逆数之 数到当生太岁支 坐守此...
    6 years ago
  • 一同低头 - 这是悉尼铁道车站的一幕,游客稀疏的车站,等待着车子的到来,看到了一男一女的两位乘客,从我这一角度看过去,两人都在低头。 男的,低着头,看着手中的文件,是在吸取知识,或是在办公吧! 女的,同样低着头,手中握着手机,或许也是在努力吸取知识, 但也有可能是在看电影,玩游戏或其他种种。选择多了,也就代表着现今的...
    10 years ago
  • 人生路 - 这一张相片是当天前往怡保拍摄壁画,行走间不小心按到手机的拍摄钮而留下的脚步。 行(摄于2014年7月12日) 看着铺满柏油的马路,相对平坦广阔,可是步行的方向却可以明显的知道并不是顺着路向,原因是那壁画的方向并不是处于路的尽头。 人生又何尝不是如此,美丽的事物并不会处于人生的尽头,在努力向前的同时,偶尔偏离...
    10 years ago
  • 远眺 The View - 和家人回邦咯岛,尝试到新码头Marina Island,是个私人码头,还被迫加入会员才可买票。 无路如何,既然到了这儿,算了啦。 进了里面,等待当而,看到景色还不错,就拍了些照片,这一张里的模特儿是我家老二马歆伟。 并没告诉他任何主题,结果上载时决定取名“远眺” Thi picture was taken ...
    12 years ago
  • The Scret of Long life - A doctor on his morning walk, noticed the old lady pictured below, sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said, "I couldn'...
    15 years ago
  • 做买卖的公鸡 - 兩隻母雞在樹下聊天,對面走來一隻腳步不穩,無精打采,垂頭喪氣的公雞,一隻母雞問:「怎麼啦?病啦?累成這樣?」 公雞說: 「做點小買賣累成的。」 另一隻母雞跟著問: 「做啥買賣勞累成這樣呢?」 公雞臉紅,低下頭說: 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 「賣雞精。」
    15 years ago
  • 法门弟子萧运生细谈天法威灵庙创庙史 - 天法威灵庙创庙至今二十六年,年届七十五岁的萧运生感触最深,对气派非凡的天法威灵庙那龙腾虎跃的气势以及救人无数的善行深感欣慰。 萧运生是在天法威灵庙创庙期间便落力为神庙做出无私贡献的热心法门弟子之一。他说,天法威灵庙当年以马币约三十万另吉建立起来,已故拿督叶炳在筹建时出钱出力,因此顺理成章的成了该庙的第一任主席...
    16 years ago