Wednesday, November 13, 2013










尔纳斯。扎恰雷维奇(Ernest Zacharevic)是这副画作的作者,他也是槟城“姐妹共骑”街画的作者,“姐妹共骑”入选了英国【卫报】全球15大最佳壁画榜;今天“转角遇匪”则由于柔佛当局的介入,可能可以膺选为“全球最具争议壁画榜”的榜首了。




Saturday, November 9, 2013













Saturday, November 2, 2013

Salt make you fat

I am a jack of all trade but master of none. Whenever a Master face any problem, he will analyze with his knowledge from books, from references and from some experience.

However, when a man like me, who is not a master face a problem, he can only voice out his opinion with the experience he faced throughout his life.
I noticed that quite a number of people around me getting fatter even though they do not take oily food. Basically they take their food steamed or boiled. The only problem I see is they used to make the food very tasty, especially with comparatively very salty taste.

I believe in Yin Yang of life through the study of I-Ching. As such, I tends to explain whatever I observed with the theory of Yin and Yang. This universe is a world of dynamic moderation in which the Yin and Yang tend to strike a balance at all time.

The same apply to all living stuff in the world and so to our body. Every activities in our body will also based on the theory of dynamic moderation. This means that whatever activities related to our body will try to strike a balance between the Yin and Yang. Hence the transfer of material from Outside our body to Inside our body works on the law of balancing.

Assuming we drink some water, the quantity of water in the digesting system is higher than those in the circulating system (blood system). Thus based on the law of balancing, water tends to penetrate through the “membrane” and get into the blood stream. The idea is to balance up the concentration of water between both side of the membrane. Nevertheless, not all the water will get into the blood stream because the time provided is not enough.

Let assume now that we are drinking salty water. Under this condition, the water will migrate from OUTSIDE our body to INSIDE our body as per mentioned in the previous paragraph. But not to forget that the salt content on the OUTSIDE of our body (the digesting system) and the INSIDE of our body (blood stream) is also higher. even though our body will try to avoid unnecessary material to get into our body, the law of balance will still apply. Some salt will get into our body (the blood stream in this case).

As the salt got into our blood stream, the concentration of salt level increase, and this means the concentration of water is lower comparatively. to balance up the water percentage in the blood stream and the “digesting passage”, more water will get into the blood stream.

Assuming the salt content in body fluid is 0.075% (hope I do not forget this figure and get it wrong), an increase of 10% of salt means an increase of 0.0075% of salt based on total body fluid. The water content of body fluid is, says 80%, hence the same increase of 10% to balance the whole fluid concentration will be 8% increase of water base on total body fluid. Because the migrate of water and salt from OUTSIDE the body to INSIDE the body work based on the law of balance (try to get the same content in term of percentage, on both side of the membrane), and because the percentage of water in body fluid is far higher than percentage of salt in body fluid, the end result is far too much water is absorbed.

I tried to explain the migrate of water and salt from the “digesting passage” to the “blood stream”. The migration of water and salt from the “Blood Stream” to the individual tissue of every organ works on the same principle. The only reason why we do not see this migration fast is because they act one after the other and it takes time for such penetration process of material through the membrane. Thus if we take salty food for long period of time, it will finally lead to very slight increase of salt level but huge in crease in water level in each tissue. with the amount of tissues in a human body, if every tissue increase a little percentage in its water level, then one can understand why the whole body size increases.

我的其他作品 My Other Blog List

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