Friday, December 6, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Salt make you fat
However, when a man like me, who is not a master face a problem, he can only voice out his opinion with the experience he faced throughout his life.
I noticed that quite a number of people around me getting fatter even though they do not take oily food. Basically they take their food steamed or boiled. The only problem I see is they used to make the food very tasty, especially with comparatively very salty taste.
I believe in Yin Yang of life through the study of I-Ching. As such, I tends to explain whatever I observed with the theory of Yin and Yang. This universe is a world of dynamic moderation in which the Yin and Yang tend to strike a balance at all time.
The same apply to all living stuff in the world and so to our body. Every activities in our body will also based on the theory of dynamic moderation. This means that whatever activities related to our body will try to strike a balance between the Yin and Yang. Hence the transfer of material from Outside our body to Inside our body works on the law of balancing.
Assuming we drink some water, the quantity of water in the digesting system is higher than those in the circulating system (blood system). Thus based on the law of balancing, water tends to penetrate through the “membrane” and get into the blood stream. The idea is to balance up the concentration of water between both side of the membrane. Nevertheless, not all the water will get into the blood stream because the time provided is not enough.
Let assume now that we are drinking salty water. Under this condition, the water will migrate from OUTSIDE our body to INSIDE our body as per mentioned in the previous paragraph. But not to forget that the salt content on the OUTSIDE of our body (the digesting system) and the INSIDE of our body (blood stream) is also higher. even though our body will try to avoid unnecessary material to get into our body, the law of balance will still apply. Some salt will get into our body (the blood stream in this case).
As the salt got into our blood stream, the concentration of salt level increase, and this means the concentration of water is lower comparatively. to balance up the water percentage in the blood stream and the “digesting passage”, more water will get into the blood stream.
Assuming the salt content in body fluid is 0.075% (hope I do not forget this figure and get it wrong), an increase of 10% of salt means an increase of 0.0075% of salt based on total body fluid. The water content of body fluid is, says 80%, hence the same increase of 10% to balance the whole fluid concentration will be 8% increase of water base on total body fluid. Because the migrate of water and salt from OUTSIDE the body to INSIDE the body work based on the law of balance (try to get the same content in term of percentage, on both side of the membrane), and because the percentage of water in body fluid is far higher than percentage of salt in body fluid, the end result is far too much water is absorbed.
I tried to explain the migrate of water and salt from the “digesting passage” to the “blood stream”. The migration of water and salt from the “Blood Stream” to the individual tissue of every organ works on the same principle. The only reason why we do not see this migration fast is because they act one after the other and it takes time for such penetration process of material through the membrane. Thus if we take salty food for long period of time, it will finally lead to very slight increase of salt level but huge in crease in water level in each tissue. with the amount of tissues in a human body, if every tissue increase a little percentage in its water level, then one can understand why the whole body size increases.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
借助于博客发文记录下现在的开始,希望到了年底能够有个更为明确的成效分析。Thursday, May 23, 2013
TNB owe me an answer
I faced a electrical power trip from external on 21st May 2013 at 8:30 pm. As it happened in my home in a condominium, I called the guard house as per normal practice. The guard attended my call and came over to check the power supply in my house and then confirm with me that the trip was from TNB (external from my house).
After all the double checking and confirming, I called the TNB hotline (15454) at 09:30 pm, and it was answered by a lady whose name is Nor. I explained to her clearly on what was happening and confirming that both the MCB (Main Circuit Breaker) and ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) in my house were ON and there is no power supply. I even explain to her that I believe that it was a MCB trip or Fuse blown from TNB end, thus requesting for them to rectify the problem. Nor asked for all my particulars in detail including my home address, where the incident occured. After getting all the details and my particulars, she informed me that I have to wait for one to two hours. I got the report number U474QC from her for follow up process. I fully realised that it is a matter of minutes to switch back on the tripped MCB or replacing a blown fuse. But I do not complain on any thing and decide to wait for the promised time as it is an SOP (Standard Operation Procedure).
After waiting for one and a half hour, no action and no feedback from TNB at all. Thus I decided to call again at 23:03 pm to the same hotline. That time, mr. Rafie was the person who answered my called. On giving the report number for him to trace the progress, I found out from his answer that no one seems to take any action of checking. His answer to me was that it was close to shift hand over time and he will follow up with the supervisor of the coming shift. Of course I would not be happy with that answer and highlight to him that the incident had been reported at 9:30 and it was promised that the incident will be handled within two hours. By then it was more than one and a half hours and I was unhappy with the fact that no action was taken thus long.
On getting my grievence, Rafie told me that there was someone actually had attending the problem and still checking. I voice my concern that it is impossible for so long that the investigation still not being completed as it was only my house that have a power trip. At least, there should had been someone come to my house and confirm to me that he had checked the incoming meter power supply. On all this information that I argue for, Rafie did not seems to be able to answer and he could only told me, they need ONE to TWO hour to settle the issue.
I found it was meaningless to argue further and thus end the conversation and kept on waiting for their action.
At 23:43 pm, I called again and Rafie answered the call again. I highlighted that I was still waiting and no one presented to attend the problem yet.
On waiting, I felt asleep. There seems to be three calls from TNG around 12:05 midnight, in which I did not realise and thus did not answer any call.
At 4:20 in the morning, the power supply was not resumed yet and I called TNB hotline again. This time ms. Siti was the one who answer my called. I was really upset as no one had attended my problem. I brief to Siti one more time on what had happened and she asked me to double confirmed again that the MCB and ELCB in my house were ON. She further asked me to confirm that the incoming measurement meter is outside my house. On completing all the answers which had been repeated many times, she finally told me that the report number was U475YK and I have to wait for one to two hours for them to settle the issue.
I was very very upset and told her off. I informed that I had been waiting for hours and now she asked me to wait for one to two hours again. So I told her to make sure someone attend to me within half an hour or I will bring the issue to newspaper reporter on the terrible services provided. She keep on repeated the sentence, "I will follow up on this matter and please wait for one to two hours for the issue to be settled." just like an answering machine which had been programmed to repeat the sentence.
I really went mad in my feeling, but still trying my best to control my temper. After ending the conversation, a man called back to me and start to cover up the first report (U474QC) and told me that some one had tried to called me aound 1200 midnight with no result. I told him off and mentioning that by calling and miss call did not mean that they had solved the problem. They should take their initiative to re-call until they got me. Nevertheless there was no poit to argue over the spilt soup and I just want him to ensure to send someone to solve the problem.
No news, no action and no power untill 6:30am. At 6:30 am, a man called me, which I thought was the technician. He informed me that he will be coming and it would take around half an hour without traffic jam. I was stil upset as if he did decide to come earlier, then there would be no traffic jam, but no comment was put to him. What I hope is if he can arrive before 7:30 and settle the problem, and then I can rush for my job.
Kept on waiting and called few times to the mobile number of the "on-the-way technician" who did not answer my call. At 8:30, I received the call from the "on-the-way technician", telling me that he had arrived. Going near to my house door and I saw two technicians in TNB uniform (not the person who was on the phone). By that time, who was on the phone was not important anymore and I explained to the two technician and highlighting my doubt that the incoming fuse had blown.
The leader between the two technicians was Abdul Razak, and on checking my suggestion, he confirmed that the incoming fuse had blown. He renewed the incoming fuse and the electrical power resumed. I have to extend my appreciation to Abdul Razak who is very good in attitude and handle the problem professionally.
On this incident, I believe what Abdul Razak had told me as they were not informed by those personnel who attended the hotline calls. It was a total fool in the whole problem. A simple few minutes blown fuse replacement action had been delayed unnecessarily until 12 hours.
On this matter, I think TNB owe me an explanation on what action its management took on those personnel involved.
As Malaysia is moving toward our vision to become an advance country in year 2020. This type of workers attitude is not acceptable. There will be no improvement if no action is taken. Thus I seriously request for TNB to give me an answer on what action had been taken and how TNB is going to do to ensure the same incident is not happening to any of their clients.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
记得数十年前,我和回教朋友一起,我吃我爱吃的叉烧面,他吃他爱吃的Nasi Lemak,边吃边聊天,而今天,大家有没有发觉这场景今天已不复存在?宪法是没改,但是政府有所谓的宗教局,局中官员每每鸡毛当令箭。有时和回教朋友聊天,他们的反应是没什么大不了的事,但如果被“官员”捉到就麻烦,所以就能免則免。所以,没改宪法,但手法潜移默化,今天的马来西亚早已不是当年的马来西亚了。
Friday, April 26, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Saturday, February 9, 2013
The Italian Baker (TIB) 是一家相当新的公司,全体员工都是非常的年轻,其中最年长的就是今年五十多岁的我啦,不过,心境年年十八岁的我和所有员工可是可以“同捞同褒”的,沟通上没有代沟。
记得当天的安排,所有受邀员工的家人大约十点集合到TIB的Cafe,到齐了之后,大家被引领到大培训室里,先由两位创办人Jimmy Chang总监和厂长Mr. Lai Fei Siong为大家解说公司背景以及一路走来的一些点滴,同时介绍了开场时的一些先锋,人数不多,当时厂长身兼生产管理,两位刚毕业的社会新鲜人,Mr. Siow Ching Ming负责协调工程,Ms. Kimberly负责品管。
接着,员工们带着家人进入厂内特设的空调观光通道,亲身体会我们是如何管理和生产 Massimo面包。在观光通道里,员工们的家属也彼此进一步的互相沟通,同时首次了解到原来生产面包可以那么先进,而厂房里又可以那么的清洁。很可惜,因为公司政策关系,我们无法在观光通道里摄影。无论如何,参观者终于体会到,原来真正保持面包新鲜的是生产流程和管理得法的关系,而面包不发霉是因为包装厂房是隔离的空间,内部环境全面卫生管制,这才有了耐久和新鲜的产品。
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